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Unit Testing

Unit tests should be simple, readable, and behavior-driven. We want to achieve the following effect. Whenever a unit tests fails, the developer can directly tell what expected bahavior is not working from the test name. The developer can tell the test itself is correctly implemented at a glance.


Car car = new Car(); car.manager = mock(Manager.class); when(manager.getServerPermission()).thenReturn(true); in startEngine() will call getServerPermission() car.startEngine(); veryfy(car.manager).getServerPermission(); car.setMiles(4); assert(4, car.getMiles());


@Test(expected = IndexOutOfBoundsException.class) 
public void empty() { 
     new ArrayList<Object>().get(0); 
For DAO layer classes, we may want to create a super class or interface for it. When testing any other classes that calls DAO, we just mock the DAO by implementing its interface. How to test DAO layer: A very good example involves mock and anonymous class: